Learning Disabilities
The Learning Disabilities Program is designed to assist students who have average to above average potential for learning but are not achieving their educational goals because of a learning disability. Students may be referred to the program by an instructor, counselor, community agency, or they may refer themselves.
What is a Learning Disability?
A Learning Disability (LD) is a presumed neurological disorder that affects the manner in which an individual learns. Some people with learning disabilities experience difficulty reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), or computing arithmetic operations (dyscalculia).
As defined by the California Community College process, a student may be eligible for services when, despite ongoing instruction in an educational setting, there is persistent difficulty processing, storing or producing information, which results in a significant discrepancy between the student's ability and achievement.
Such students demonstrate:
- a severe processing deficit in visual, auditory and kinesthetic areas involving memory, processing speed or reasoning.
- measured ability that is average to above average but are not achieving their educational goals.
- measured achievement area that is average.
- a discrepancy between ability and one or more achievement areas.
A Learning Disability is NOT:
- an indicator of below average intellectual ability
- an emotional disorder or lack of motivation
- a physical disability that interferes with learning
- a language barrier which ESL(English as a Second Language) students might face