Welcome to Delta, parents! Although your child is about to embark on a journey of higher education and independence, we strive to make Delta a safe and welcoming environment for everyone. We are proud to offer an exceptionally high level of care, guidance, and services for students of all backgrounds transitioning to college life.

Student and Community Success Are Our Mission

We believe an excellent education should be accessible to students of all backgrounds — without the heavy burden of debt for years to come. Our courses are affordable and our aid programs are here to help your family afford college. We're proud of our excellent and engaging faculty, who are widely known for their strong teaching skills, approachability and personal interest in students and student success. Our student support services are here to help your student make the transition from high school to college and find success while at Delta College. 

We know the pivotal role parents and families play in student success. We look forward to providing you with the tools, knowledge and support you need to help your student.

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"Delta College was wonderful for my transition to adulthood. I enjoyed every aspect of it. Not only was it a great experience for me, but for my friends and family as well. I'm glad I chose Delta as my first choice."

Class of 2017 Graduation Survey
