Priority Registration

How to check your Priority Registration Date (Enrollment Appointment) in MyDelta

Registration Priority

Priority registration will be provided for students who enroll in a community college for the purpose of: 1) degree or certificate attainment; 2) transfer to a four-year college or university; and/or 3) career advancement.

Students who have enrolled in courses at the College prior to the spring 2014 semester are not required to complete orientation, assessment, or to develop a student education plan for the purposes of priority registration.

Registration priority shall be provided to students in the order of the groups listed below:


Group One: Special Populations

The following groups who have completed orientation, assessment, and developed student education plans shall have equal priority:

  • Homeless Students (AB 806);
  • Identified active or former members of the Armed Forces of the United States (DD214);
  • Any member or former member of the State Military Reserve;
  • Dependents of Disabled Veterans
    Some priority consideration will be awarded to dependents of a disabled veteran whose verified disability is 100 percent service-related, dependents of a veteran who died as the direct result of military service, and dependents of a currently held and verified prisoner of war;
  • Foster youth who are currently in foster care or emancipated foster youth up to 24 years of age. This priority registration shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2017, and as of that date is repealed by the State of California, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2017, deletes or extends that date (AB 194);
  • Homeless Students (AB 806);
  • Students who are eligible and receiving services through California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs); Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS); and Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS).
  • Students who have a child or children under 18 years of age who will receive more than half of their support from that student pursuant to Education Code Section 66025.81.

Group Two: Special Populations

The following groups who have completed orientation, assessment, and developed student education plans shall have equal priority:

  • Student athletes that have been verified by the College to be eligible (in season) or capable of being eligible (out of season) for a competitive sport;
  • Students receiving services through the International Students Program; 
  • Elected Officers of the Associated Students of Delta College; and 
  • Students receiving services through Puente; Black Excellence and Enrichment (B.E.E.) Academy; Native American Success Academy (NASA); Empowering Positive Initiatives for Change (EPIC); and Directing Adults on the Right TrAC for Employment (DARTE) Learning Communities.

Group Three

Students who have completed orientation and developed a student education plan will have priority in the following order:

  • Students who have earned: 46 - 65 units
  • Students who have earned: 31 - 45 units and 0-15 units
  • Students who have earned: 16 - 30 units or 66 - 90 units
  • Students who have earned: 91+ units

Group Four

  • Students who have not completed orientation and developed an educational plan
  • Students who are on probation or have reached 100 units

Open Registration

 For all students who applied after registration appointments were assigned.


  • Registration appointments start at 8am and end 5pm, appointments are every 15 minutes Monday – Friday.
  • There are no appointments on weekends or Holidays
  • A unit is earned when a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or P as defined in Education Code Section 55023. The 100 unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses as defined in Education Code. Section 55000(i) or special classes as defined in Education Code Section 55000.Units earned through credit by examination, advanced placement, International Baccalaureate or CLEP are exempt from the 100 unit limitation. For more information, you may contact Admissions and Records at or you may speak with your counselor for a full explanation of your priority point summary.


Registration priority is lost at the first registration opportunity after a student:

  • Is placed on academic or progress probation or any combination thereof for two consecutive terms, as defined in Education Code Section 55031.
  • Has earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable units at this District and from other colleges or universities attended by the student.
    • For the purposes of this procedure, a unit is earned when a student receives a grade of A, B, C, D, or P as defined in Education Code Section 55023.
    • The 100 unit limit does not include units for non-degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses as defined in Education Code Section 55000(i) or special classes as defined in Education Code Section 55000.
    • Units earned through credit by examination, advanced placement, International Baccalaureate or CLEP are exempt from the 100 unit limitation.
  • Has not been in attendance for two consecutive terms (excluding summer).


Appeal Procedure

A student may file a General Petition with the Admissions and Records Office to appeal the loss of priority enrollment status due to extenuating circumstances, or where a student with a disability applied for, but did not receive reasonable accommodation in a timely manner or where significant academic improvement has occurred. Significant academic improvement is defined as achieving no less than the minimum grade point average and progress standard established in Education Code Section 55031 for the term or terms.

Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.
(AP 5055, 3/5/24)