Textbook Cost

We understand that the cost of textbooks and learning materials can pose a major obstacle to completing a degree.

Did you know that hundreds of classes at Delta College each semester are “Zero Textbook Cost” (ZTC) which means there is no cost for books?

Student holding Textbook

Learn how to find and register for these courses, as well as “Low Textbook Cost” (LTC) courses, in the video below.


  1. From the MyDelta Dashboard, select the "MyDelta" tile.
  2. within My Delta, select the "Class Search" tile.
  3. Select your semester and campus.
  4. You will see a notice about the Zero Textbook Cost course sections.
  5. To search for classes with Zero Textbook Cost, Click on "+ Add Courses" button on the top of the Courses Section.
  6. Select  "By Textbook Cost" tab and select the "Attribute" pulldown field and select "Class has no textbook-related costs".
  7. Select the "Subject" pulldown field to filter by subject or select "All Subject" to view all courses.
  8. Select the "Course " pulldown field to select a course and click "+ Add Course" to add it to your selection of classes you wish to register for and will show under the "Courses" to the right of the page.
  9. You can repeat this for another course by changing the "Subject" and/or "Course" pulldown fields to select another course and select "+ Add Course" to add it to the list.
  10. Click "Done" when adding course to your cart and you can complete registration by generating schedules, clicking view, Send to Cart, and Register when registration is open.


The True Cost of Courses

In an effort to be more transparent about the actual cost of courses, and consistent with a new state law (AB 607), the College is now publishing the cost of materials and fees for approximately 60 percent of courses.

Some courses are labeled as Zero Textbook Cost while others include estimated costs for new or used materials.

You can use the following list to better understand the estimated cost of a class before you register! If there are either new or used costs, and you’d rather save the money, scroll to the right to see if there are any zero textbook cost sections of that course available.