Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Effective for the Fall 2024 Semester


Policy Statement

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education regulations, financial aid recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the achievement of a degree or certificate. The law and federal regulations require that progress be determined using both qualitative and quantitative measures. All units attempted in any semester of enrollment as specified below at San Joaquin Delta College (SJDC), regardless of aid status, will be counted when calculating both qualitative and quantitative measures of Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student’s academic progress will be evaluated initially, when the application is completed and at the end of each semester after grades have been posted.


Academic Requirements

A student must meet all of the following:

  • Be enrolled in an eligible program for the purpose of completing an AA/AS Degree or Certificate.
  • Maintain a minimum financial aid cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 2.0.
  • Complete 67% of the cumulative units attempted.
  • Have not exceeded 150% of declared program of study – this includes all known units taken at other Colleges and Institutions (30 units of remedial coursework and all ESL courses will be excluded from this total).


Unit Completion Requirement (UCR)

  • Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 67% of all units attempted.
  • All units attempted, will be counted towards the UCR calculation.
  • All transfer credits SJDC accepts will be counted towards units attempted and completed.
  • The following grades will be considered as units attempted but not successfully completed: F, W, N, I/F, NC, and any grade considered as a non-passing grade by either the home or the host-institution for consortium credits.
  • An I/F grade is calculated as no unit received until the grade is changed by the Instructor and added to the student’s academic record by the Records Office. If students need the completed grade to change their financial aid status (suspension), they must notify the Financial Aid Office when the grade has been added to their transcript. The Financial Aid Office will not automatically reevaluate SAP for grade changes.
  • Audited classes are not eligible for financial aid and are not counted toward UCR calculation.
  • Courses with Excused Withdrawal (EW), Incomplete (I), Withdrawal (W), Failed to Withdraw (FW) and Fail (F) are considered unsatisfactory grades and are included in attempted units, but not completed units.
    • Exception: COVID-related EW's acquired during the COVID-19 pandemic period (Spring 2020 through Spring 2023) will not have a negative impact on students' SAP. These course units will be excluded from attempted units.
  • Grades of Military Withdrawal (MW) will not be included in the student's GPA or units attempted.
  • Repeated courses will be counted each time they are taken.

Example: Since Sarah started attending SJDC, she attempted 15 credits. She only successfully completed (passed) 11 credits because she withdrew from a few classes and failed one. The calculation is 11 units divided by 15 units equals 73%. Therefore, Sarah has met SJDC UCR.


Time Frame of Aid Eligibility

  • Students will be allowed 150% of the number of units required for the completion of their certificate or degree (the calculation will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of units). Students must notify the FAO when changing their major as this could affect the Max Time-Frame.
  • Students who change their major, without completing their degree or certificate, will have all units previously attempted counted toward their new maximum time frame. Financial Aid will only allow an appeal for ONE-degree change ONLY. Students who change programs multiple times will continue to have all units attempted counted toward their maximum time- frame.
  • ALL attempted units from semesters of previous enrollment at SJDC, regardless of aid status, will count toward the maximum time frame.
  • Transfer units that are accepted by SJDC will be counted toward the maximum time frame.
  • Students who repeat a course for which they have already earned a passing grade may be allowed to receive funding to repeat that course only ONCE. Repeat courses are counted toward a student’s maximum time frame.
  • Audited classes are not eligible for financial aid and are not counted toward the time frame.
  • A student is allowed thirty (30) remedial units that are not counted toward their Maximum time frame. Remedial courses are program-specific, so be sure to check with your Academic Advisor as to if this will affect your specific degree program. ESL courses do not count against the thirty (30) unit limits and do not count against the Maximum Time-Frame.

Example: An Associate of Arts (AA) degree requires 60 units. A student is eligible to receive federal Title IV funds for a total of 90 units (60 units X 150% = 90 units).


Financial Aid Warning

Financial Aid calculates SAP status at the end of every Semester. Students that do not meet SAP standards at the end of any given semester will be placed on a Financial aid Warning status for the upcoming semester.

This could be for various reasons, which you the student will see on their student portal;

  1. Not Meeting CGPA - 2.0
  2. Not Meeting Unit Completion standard - 67%
  3. Combination of both of these factors


Financial Aid Disqualification

Students failing to meet minimum SAP requirements (2.0 CGPA and/or 67% UCR) by the end of the WARNING semester will be placed in a Disqualification status and must submit an SAP appeal if they would like to be considered for any award that requires meeting SAP standards for the upcoming semester.


Maximum Time Frame

Students who have attempted 150% of the number of units required for the completion of their certificate or degree (the calculation will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of units) will be placed on the a Disqualification status and allowed a ONE-TIME SAP appeal. 

Note: students must notify the FAO when changing their major from a Certificate to a Degree as this could change their SAP status.

All academic transcripts from previously attended colleges need to be on file at SJDC Admissions & Records.


Instruction on How to File a SAP Appeal

A student who is placed on disqualification status may appeal to FAO. In order to do so, the student must follow the instructions below. Appeals are reviewed within 2-3 weeks of being received. After carefully reviewing a student’s appeal, a decision notification will be sent to the student via text message or email. A student must include in the appeal the circumstances involved for not meeting the Satisfactory Academic Standard, as well as what has now changed with those circumstances that will allow you to continue your education.

1. To appeal, a student must log onto Student Forms and click "Request an Appeal”. At first, the student just needs to type a short request like” I need an SAP appeal”. Then the student can complete the appeal in more detail.

2. Explain in detail the extenuating circumstances that caused you to fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

A. Unsatisfactory appeal must address the following questions:

  • Why were you unable to maintain SAP for the terms in question?
  • What steps have you taken or will you take to achieve and maintain SAP or finish the degree?​​​​​​

You must be enrolled in courses listed on your student education plan. Any changes made to the SEP by students will void the SEP and will require students to see an Academic Counselor again for an updated SEP.

Examples of these extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to:

  • Illness, injury, or other health-related episode or condition that can be documented by a medical professional;
  • Death of a family member or other person of close relation;
  • Circumstances related to an outbreak of COVID-19, including, but not limited to, the illness of a student or family member, compliance with a quarantine period, or the general disruption resulting from such an outbreak;
  • Disabilities verifiable by the DSPS office;
  • Activities associated with a student’s service in the United States Armed Forces or other entity providing essential services to the public; 
  • Issues experienced by students transitioning to collegiate academic requirements, which have been resolved or are being remediated with the intervention of Academic Advising.

B.  Maximum Time Frame appeal must address the following questions:

  • What did you study previously and what are you studying now?
  • Why were you unable to maintain SAP?
  • Why do you need more time to complete your degree?
  • Why did/do you change your major or need a second degree?
  • What steps have you taken or will you take to achieve and maintain SAP or finish your degree?

Students who have attempted 120 or more units are not eligible to appeal the denial of aid regardless of the reason. (This total attempted units includes units transferred in from other colleges).

3. Attach all the necessary supporting documents along with the appeal form and Student Education Plan on Student Forms. If you are appealing for Maximum Time Frame, then you will need to submit a copy of your Comprehensive Student Ed. Plan which should list only ONE GOAL along with the remaining courses and Prior Applicable Credits Evaluation for Maximum Time Frame Appeal, both of which should be signed by the counselor. You must be enrolled in courses required for your declared program of study. Enrollment in non-required courses will result in automatic denial.

4. Decision:

  • Submission of an appeal does not guarantee a reinstatement of financial aid. If approved, you will be placed on one of the following Appeal Plans depending on the severity of the student's academic standing;

For GPA/UCR Disqualification

  • Probation will be assigned when your appeal is approved. You must have 100% completion rate for the term's units and get a semester 2.0 or higher at the end of Probation.
  • Probation will be assigned if your UCR/CGPA is still below the standards but you have met the conditions outlined in Probation. You are required to follow your Student Ed. Plan.

For Maximum Time Frame Disqualification

  • Probation will be assigned when your appeal is approved. You are required to follow your Student Ed. Plan and finish your program as outlined in the Student Ed. Plan or you will be disqualified. NO further appeal is allowed.
  • For students on Max Timeframe disqualification, you may not take any additional courses than what is required to completed your degree or certificate. If you are enrolled in additional courses outside of your program, your appeal will be denied.

Failure to complete the SAP Appeal Plan and complete the assigned criteria as listed in the appeal will result in Disqualification.

If denied, you can regain your eligibility by meeting SAP eligibility (earning 67% UCR with a 2.0 CGPA or higher AND attempting less than 150% of your allotted units for your program).

Note: If the student completes the term(s) of their academic plan and regains SAP eligibility, their SAP status will be updated with a Satisfactory status.


Financial Aid Disqualification

Students will not be eligible to receive financial aid when on Financial Aid Disqualification. Students will be notified in writing that they have been disqualified and will remain in that status until they once again meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy standards on their own.



To regain financial aid eligibility, a student must earn sufficient grades and/or complete the necessary units to meet the qualitative (cumulative GPA of at least 2.0) and the quantitative (UCR of at least 67%) minimum requirements.

Financial aid eligibility cannot be reinstated for students who have exceeded the maximum time frame for their degree or certificate without an approved appeal. Special Circumstances may apply for program changes.


Chart to Determine Two-thirds Completion Each Term

The chart below demonstrates the minimum number of units required to complete each term in order to achieve a two-thirds completion. For example, if enrolled for 12 units, completion of 9 or more units is required.

2/3 Completion Chart