Classified Senate History
The History of our Classified Senate began with Board Policy 250
Board Policy 2550
- The Classified Senate is recognized as an official representative body of the classified staff in order to communicate with the administration and governing board of San Joaquin Delta Community College on matters which are not subject to negotiation with collective bargaining units. The Classified Senate Constitution and Bylaws, on file in the Senate Office, shall serve as the guide for Classified Senate.
- The Senate shall determine its own agenda based upon recommendations from classified staff, administration, or internal initiative.
- The Classified Senate shall receive twenty hours per week reassigned time (the equivalent of 0.50 (FTE)) for conduct of Senate operations. Attendance by Classified Senate representatives at meetings of the Classified Senate or shared governance committees shall be without charge against this reassigned time allocation.
- The Senate may present its views and recommendations directly to the Board of Trustees either in writing or orally.
- The Senate shall determine its own meeting schedule during the college year. The meeting dates shall be included in the college calendar.
- The Senate President or representative shall attend every meeting of the Board of Trustees.
- A summary of Senate actions shall be distributed to the college staff, administration, and the Board of Trustees.
- The officers of the Senate shall meet with the Superintendent/President on a regular basis to discuss matters of mutual concern.