Classified Senate Bylaws

Classified Senate Bylaws

Article I -Organization and Responsibilities

Section A - Function and Responsibilities

To provide procedures for determining problems and implementing solutions for Classified Staff concerns;

  1. It shall be the function of the Classified Senate to transact the business of the Classified Staff on all non-bargaining issues. Nothing in the Classified Senate constitution shall be construed to infringe on any issues that are covered by contracts negotiated between the classified employee bargaining units and San Joaquin Delta Community College District.

  2. It shall be the responsibility of the Classified Senate:

    • To be the official representative of the Classified Staff in relationships with the administration on all non-union issues;
    • To establish Standing Rules to expedite the transaction of Classified Senate business;
    • To articulate the professionalism of the Classified Staff so that it is properly recognized and valued;
    • To provide an opportunity for enhancing the democratic process of governance at San Joaquin Delta College;
    • To provide an opportunity to develop individual leadership among the Classified Staff, as well as to increase the professional standards of its members;
    • To promote and support activities that develop or increase the skills, productivity, and professionalism of the Classified Staff;
    • To promote the interests of the Classified Staff in the development and formulation of policy and practice related to shared governance, but not limited to the following: the selection and retention of administration, in-service education, facilities and services, student/classified and faculty/classified relations, finance and budget;
    • To advise the Classified Senate President; to assist the President in preparing the agenda; and, to perform those duties requested by the President or the Classified Staff.

Section B - Basis of Representation

  1. Area Divisions

    Representation shall be based on the Organization Chart specified in Board Procedure 2021. Senators will represent areas which directly report to the Superintendent/President, the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Vice Presidents or Deans. Each area of representation is allocated one Senator. Areas of representation with more than 30 Classified employees will be allocated one Senator for each increment of 30 Classified employees. Any classified employee assigned a split work assignment in two different areas on campus shall be represented by the area division in which the greater portion of the work assignment is in; if the work assignment is equally apportioned between two areas, he/she shall indicate by June 1 of an election year his/her choice of area division representation.

    On or before May 1 of an election year, the Classified Senate will review area representation following the guidelines specified above. Based on the review, the Classified Senate will publish the number of Senators to which each area will be entitled.

Section C - Duties of Officers

  1. President

    It shall be the duty of the Classified Senate President:

    • To prepare agendas and preside over all meetings of the Classified Staff and of the Classified Senate;
    • To be a member of the San Joaquin Delta College President's Council;
    • To communicate Classified Staff and/or Classified Senate recommendations and proposals to the President of the College;
    • To appoint classified representatives to all campus standing committees and sub-committees;
    • To be a member or ex-officio member of such committees as designated by the Classified Senate;
    • To perform other duties as assigned by the Classified Senate.
  2. Vice-President

    It shall be the duty of the Vice-President:

    • To substitute for the President of the Classified Senate during any temporary absence of the President;
    • To represent the President of the Classified Senate as the President, Senate or Classified Staff may direct;
    • To serve on the College Planning and Budget committee at the request of the President;
    • To serve as the proxy on the Policies and Procedures committee;
    • To perform other duties as assigned by the Classified Senate.
  3. Treasurer

    It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

    • To promptly collect, deposit, and issue funds as needed and authorized by the Classified Senate;
    • To maintain accurate records of receipts and expenditures;
    • To assist in the preparation of the Classified Senate budget;
    • To report the fiscal condition of the Classified Senate funds at each Classified Senate meeting;
    • To perform other duties as assigned by the Classified Senate.
  4. Secretary

    It shall be the duty of the Secretary:

    • To issue notices of meetings, publish agendas, keep appropriate records, and publish and distribute minutes of all Classified Senate meetings, Classified Staff meetings;
    • To conduct all correspondence appropriate to this office;
    • To perform other duties as assigned by the Classified Senate.
  5. Area Representatives

    Area Representatives shall also be referred to as Senators.

    It shall be the duty of the Area Representatives:

    • To be responsible for bringing the concerns of the Classified Staff in their area to the attention of the Classified Senate;
    • To serve as a communication channel by reporting Classified Senate activities to all members of their area division;
    • To represent the Classified Staff as part of the shared governance policy of the College.
  6. Appointees to College Standing Committees

    It shall be the duty of the appointees:

    • To represent the Classified Staff on behalf of the Classified Senate at College Standing Committee meetings;
    • To make a monthly report, either in person or in writing, to the Classified Senate about their committee activities;
    • To seek, as necessary, advice from the Classified Senate on committee matters which have a significant impact upon the Classified Staff.
  7. Order of Precedence

    Order of precedence for officers shall be as follows:

    President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Area Representatives in numerical order. In the event of the temporary absence of any officer the next in the above order shall perform any necessary functions of the absent officer. A further order of precedence may be established by the Classified Senate.

Section D - Vacancies on the Classified Senate - Vacancies shall be filled as follows:

  1. President - The Vice-President shall succeed to this position for the unexpired portion of the President's term.

  2. Vice-President - The Senate President shall appoint a Classified Staff member to fill the Vice-President's position for the unexpired portion of the term.

  3. Treasurer - The Senate President shall appoint a Classified Staff member to fill the Treasurer's position for the unexpired portion of the term.

  4. Secretary - The Senate President shall appoint a Classified Staff member to fill the Secretary's position for the unexpired portion of the term.

  5. Area Representatives - The members of the area division shall hold nominations and elections to fill a vacancy for the unexpired term, following the election process and deadlines (at 15 calendar day intervals) listed in the Constitution, Article II, Section D.

  6. Appointees to College Standing Committees - The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint a new Classified Staff member to fill the Standing Committee vacancy.

  7. Notification - The Classified Senate President shall notify the Classified Staff membership of the vacancy. The nominations process listed in the Constitution, Article II, Section D, shall be utilized with deadlines for each step taking place every 15 calendar days. In the event that only one nomination is received or accepted, the Classified Senate may approve that person to fill the vacancy. If more than one nomination is received and accepted, the election process and deadlines will follow those listed in the Constitution, Article II, Section D. The vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term of office.

Section E - Removal from Office

A Classified Senate officer or Senator shall be removed from office and the position filled according to procedures outlined in the Bylaws (Section D - Vacancies on the Classified Senate) when absent for three consecutive meetings or a total of five meetings over a two-year period.

The Vice President/Treasurer and Secretary may designate a proxy. A proxy may be used for no more than five meetings during an officer's two-year term. An officer shall be deemed present when represented by a valid proxy. The Vice President/Treasurer will substitute as proxy for the President during any temporary absence.

A Senator may designate as proxy a member representing the same area. A proxy may be used for not more than five meetings during a Senator's two-year term. A Senator shall be deemed present when represented by a valid proxy.

Should a Senate officer or Senator be unable to attend Senate meetings for more than a month because of an extenuating situation, the member may request in writing to the Senate the appointment of an interim representative to serve during the extenuating situation. It shall be up to the Classified Senate to accept or reject the request and to fill vacant senatorial seats according to procedures outlined in the Bylaws (Section D - Vacancies on the Classified Senate) Such requests must be made prior to reaching the maximum number of absences.

Article II - Meetings

  1. At least one meeting of the Classified Staff shall be scheduled twice a year and shall be planned to maximize the opportunity for attendance by all members.

  2. The Classified Senate shall meet at least once a month during the school year.

  3. All meetings of the Classified Senate are open to members of the Classified Staff.

  4. Guests (non-Classified Staff members) may be admitted to meetings upon an invitation of the Classified Senate President and/or the Classified Senate for the purpose of disseminating and clarifying information. Guests may not participate in meetings unless requested to do so by the Chairperson of the meeting.

  5. A quorum for Classified Staff meetings shall be at least ten percent of the membership; and for the Classified Senate, a simple majority. In the case of a vacancy in a representative position, the Classified Senate quorum shall be considered reduced by one until such vacancy is filled by the representative area.

  6. The most recent edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall govern the Classified Senate on all matters not specifically covered by this Constitution and its Bylaws.