CSU Articulation Information

Planning to Transfer to a CSU

60% of all CSU students are transfer students General Education Requirements

A General Education Pattern is composed of a series of required courses that are designed to give the student a broad exposure to the major areas of human knowledge. These courses assist the student in acquiring the understanding necessary to make effective decisions in an increasingly complex world. General education courses comprise approximately two-thirds of the lower division coursework the student will need to complete to successfully transfer. The additional third of courses the student will take consist of major preparation coursework designed to ready the student for entry into the major.

CSU General Education Transfer Pattern

Not all students are required to complete the general education patterns listed above. Some majors at some schools require extensive pre-major preparation. The receiving school will want the student to focus primarily on major preparation coursework, taking a reduced number of general education courses. See a counselor or ASSIST for further information and to determine if yours is a major that will follow the Campus Specific Breadth Pattern.

General Resources for Planning Your Transfer

Meet With A CSU Representative

If you are planning to transfer, you will benefit by meeting the admissions representative from the campus you wish to attend. The Delta College Transfer Center is located in DeRicco 219. A schedule is maintained in the window of the transfer center that lists the date(s) when the admissions representatives from the various campuses will be visiting Delta College. Representatives from  CSU-Stanislaus, CSU-Sacramento, and UOP keep regular office hours on a continuing basis. Representatives from other campuses cycle through on an irregular basis.

Each year representatives from CSU-Stanislaus and CSU-Sacramento admit students on the spot in the Transfer Center. This means that you can make an appointment with the representative, taking your completed application for admission and a copy of your academic transcript to the appointment. At that time, the Representative will go over both, and if you are qualified, will admit you on the spot. The advantage of this is that you have had your application reviewed and accepted for admission and you do not need to apply in the usual fashion. This process eliminates the long, anxious wait that occurs between the time you file and when you are notified of your acceptance or denial.

See the University Rep Schedule