High School Articulation Program
Earn College Credit for Your High School Courses
Delta Colleges 2+2 Articulation program designed to help you advance from one course, program, or educational level to the next without unnecessary repetition of essentially similar courses for which credit has been received. If you have completed articulated courses in high school, you may receive college credit for the course upon enrolling at San Joaquin Delta College. This will save you time, money and effort as you work towards a college degree.
The College is committed to a comprehensive articulation of instructional programs with both secondary and postsecondary educational institutions. The “2 + 2” articulation links the high school program, adult school and ROP with San Joaquin Delta Community College programs. These articulated programs lead to an Associate Degree. The “2 + 2 + 2” articulation adds a four-year college or university program leading to a Baccalaureate Degree where appropriate.