UC Articulation Information

General Education Patterns:

A General Education Pattern is composed of a series of required courses that are designed to give the student a broad exposure to the major areas of human knowledge. These courses assist the student in acquiring the understanding necessary to make effective decisions in an increasingly complex world.

General education courses comprise approximately two-thirds of the lower division coursework the student will need to complete to successfully transfer. The additional third of courses the student will take consist of major preparation coursework designed to ready the student for entry into the major.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Pattern (IGETC) UC Pattern

UC General Education Breadth Patterns: Not all students are required to complete the general education pattern listed above. Some majors at some schools require extensive pre-major preparation. The receiving school will want the student to focus primarily on major preparation coursework, taking a reduced number of general education courses. See a counselor or ASSIST for further information and to determine if yours is a major that will follow the Campus Specific Breadth Pattern.

IGETC Pattern

Transfer Agreement Guarantee (TAG)

Several universities provide the student the opportunity to develop a Transfer Agreement Guarantee, (TAG). These agreements, developed in conjunction with your Delta College counselor, will guarantee your admission to the university for which the agreement is written. With your counselor, you will develop a Student Education Plan, (SEP), which will ensure that you are taking the proper courses to become eligible for admission.

Your SEP will include the courses necessary to complete your general education and major preparation requirements. After you have developed your SEP and have successfully completed approximately 30 units with the required GPA, it will be time for you and your counselor to write your TAG.

After the TAG is written to include the plan you have developed with your SEP, it will be submitted to the transfer institution, and if accepted, will become a contract between you and that institution. Your obligation will be to complete the courses enumerated on your TAG with the GPA required, in the time period specified by the transfer institution. If you fulfill your obligation as outlined in the TAG, the transfer institution will fulfill its obligation, and you will be automatically admitted.

To develop your TAG, you should see a counselor as soon as possible during your first semester at Delta College. To see a counselor and find out more about the TAG, you may call the Counseling Office for an appointment at (209) 954-5650.




The information presented on this site is not sufficient in itself to lead to successful transfer. Consult a Delta College Counselor to discuss your educational and career goals. Your counselor will help you develop a comprehensive educational plan to serve as your map for getting from where you are to where you want to be.

Counseling appointments may be made by visiting the Counseling Center.