Lending Limits and Fees

Lending Limits and Fees

In order to best serve all of our users the different collections at the Stockton and South Campus libraries have limits on the number of items that can be checked out and fees that come when materials are lost or returned damaged.

Users can only have 20 items total checked out from the library at one time. Users with four or more overdue items will not be able borrow materials Contact library@deltacollege.edu or call the Stockton Campus Circulation Desk at 209-954-5143 or South Campus Desk at 209-954-5151, ext. 6081 for more information.

Rules & Overdue Fines
Main Book / Children’s and New Readers’ / Oversize Collections

Rules for items shelved in the Main Book/Children's and New Readers'/Oversize Collections:

  • Users may only take out 5 titles in one subject area
  • Fines are $0.25 for each day a book is late; maximum total fines are $5.00 per book


Reserve Book Collection

Rules for items shelved in the Reserve Book Collection:

  • 2 titles per user
  • Overdue fine $5.00 per hour for 1st 10 hours ($50.00); then, from hour 11 onward, overdue fine is $1.00 per hour, to the maximum overdue fine of $100.00 per title.
Skills Express and Careers Shelf

Rules for items shelved in the Skills Express and Careers Collection:

  • Users may check out two books from each collection at a time
  • Overdue fine $.25 per day, to a maximum fine of $5.00 per item
Audiovisual Collection

Rules for items shelved in the Audiovisual Collection:

  • Users may only take out five items from this collection
  • Overdue fine $0.25 per day with a maximum of $5 per item
Loanable Equipment in the Library

Rules for Loanable Equipment in the Library:

  • Users may check a maximum of three items; each item must be from a different category of loanable equipment (ex: one headphone set, one charger, one DVD drive)
  • Overdue fines are $0.25 per day for a maximum of $5.00
Cameras and Accessories

Rules for Cameras and Accessories

  • Users can check out one camera and one accessory
  • Overdue fines are $0.25 per day with a maximum of $5





Interlibrary Loan

Rules for Interlibrary Loan: 

  • Overdue fines are $5.00 per day, up to a maximum fine of $100 per item. 

Damaged/Lost Library Materials Charges

NOTE: A $15 non-refundable processing fee is included in the total replacement charge for all items.

Books/Printed Materials

Type of Material Total Replacement Charge
Books (all, except Reserves, Oversize, Reference, Special Collections & ILL) $50.00
Reserves Books $130.00
Oversize, Reference & Special Collections $130.00
Flashcards $50.00
ILL (InterLibrary Loan, borrowed from another library for your use) $130.00

Audiovisual Materials and Equipment

Type of Material  Total Replacement Charge
Compact Discs $50.00 
A/V Accompanying Booklets $50.00
Audiobooks $130.00
Audiobook cases $3.00
DVDs/BluRay/VHS/CD-ROM $130.00
Headphones, Calculators & other 'Tier 1' equipment  $55
GoPro camera & other Premium equipment $515.00