English Scholarships
The Writers' Guild Publishing Award
The Writers' Guild Publishing Award honors a student who has been published in either Artifact or Delta Winds within twelve months of application. This means that published work in the Spring Semester or Fall Semester prior to the March 2 Scholarship Deadline qualifies the student for a $250 award to be spent as the student desires: on books, fees or living expenses. Students complete the required Delta College Scholarship Application and include a photocopy of their original piece as it appeared in the essay or literary magazine. The Writers' Guild Publishing Award honors "publishing" rather than the work itself, so work in any genre qualifies: essay, poetry, short story, cartooning, drawing, photography, etc. The Writers' Guild Club can be contacted at the following: sjdcwritersguild@gmail.com. For more information about this scholarship, please visit the San Joaquin Delta College Scholarship Information site.
The Dominic Deiro Memorial Scholarship
As a student here at Delta College, Dominic Deiro completed English 70, English 79, English 1A, English 1D, and English 38. Dominic Deiro wrote "I Have a DREAM" during a mastery exam for English 79. The essay was published in Delta Winds, and later re-printed in Real Writing, a developmental writing textbook published by Bedford/St. Martin's. In 2011, Dominic Deiro, as a passenger, was involved in a drunk-driving car accident in Stockton. He died soon afterwards. His family established Dominic's Designated Driver, a non-profit foundation, to raise awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving. Based on a suggestion by a representative from Bedford/St. Martin's, a scholarship was established in Dominic's name, and now The Dominic Deiro Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Delta College student who writes an essay accepted for publication in Delta Winds. This year, there will be two awards of $400 each. The scholarship is intended to encourage other students to pursue the challenge of expressing themselves through their writing. For more information about this scholarship, please visit the San Joaquin Delta College Scholarship Information site.
The Sacramento Press Club's Annual Scholarships
Students who will transfer as Juniors in the fall semester may apply in their last year at Delta College for a Sacramento Press Club journalism award. Among many offered is one for $4,000 in honor of the late Jerry Gillam, a 35-year veteran of the Capitol press corps. He is remembered for his knowledgeable political reporting in the Los Angeles Times' Sacramento bureau, his friendly mentoring of new Capitol reporters and his larger-than-life sense of humor. For details, please go to http://sacpressclub.org/scholarships.