Associate Degree Nursing Admissions

Application Periods and Deadlines

  • ADN application periods for the Spring semester are:
    August 1—August 31. 
  • ADN application period for the Fall semester are: 
    March 1—March 31.

Info Sessions:

  • In-Person: February 26, 2025 - ADN Black Info Session
  • Virtual: March 17, 2025 - Virtual information session with application workshop

Any questions, please e-mail

How to Apply

1. Apply for Admission to Delta College

Applicants applying for admission to the ADN program are required to have a current Application for Admission on file with our college. All applicants to the ADN program must have an active Delta College student I.D. number and Delta College email address. All correspondence from the college will be sent to the Delta College email account.

2. Complete the ADN Program Application

Log in is required to access the application.

  • Your username and password will be the same as you MyDeltaDasboard (okta). Your username is the first part of your Delta College Student email (i.e. jsmith123) and your password is the one you created when you activated your MyDeltaDashboard (okta) or one you have reset it to. 

ADN Application

3. Follow Application Processing Steps

Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)  Program Application Dates

Item Date

Open Application Period

(Online Nursing Application)

Spring Semester:  8/1 - 8/31
Fall Semester: 3/1 - 3/31

Completed Application Confirmation E-Mail

(Sent to Delta College student e-mail account)

Immediately After Submission of the Completed Application

Invitation to submit backup documentation

(Applicants log back into the application system to check their status. Applicants that are invited to submit backup documentation will have access to download a “Supporting Documentation Checklist” with submission instructions. Please do not submit backup documentation unless you are invited to submit backup documentation.)

Friday, April 4, 2025

Deadline to submit backup documentation

Supporting Documentation packets must be mailed and postmarked by deadline.

Friday, May 2, 2025

Final Ranking

(Applicants log back into the application system to check their final ranking status. Applicants that have submitted backup documentation will receive a status of Admitted, Alternate, or Disqualified)

Friday, June 6, 2025

Decision Deadline

Admitted Students log back into the application system to “Accept” or “Decline” their space

Sunday, June 8, 2025

Questions about the application? Please e-mail

Admission Information

Before applying to the ADN Program, please review the following admission requirements and recommendations.

Admission Resources


Prerequisite Courses

All prerequisite courses MUST be completed in order to be eligible to apply to the program. All units listed are in semesters

  • BIOL 31 — Human Anatomy* (4.0 units)
  • BIOL 32 — Human Physiology* (5.0 units)
  • BIOL 22 — Intro to Medical Microbiology (4.0 units) OR
    BIOL 23 — General Microbiology (5.0 units)
  • ENG 001A — Reading and Composition (3.0 units) OR
    ENG 001B — Written Communications II: A Critical Introduction to Literature (3.0 units) OR
    ENG 001D— Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.0 units) OR
    ENG 002A — Reading and Composition with Support Units (4.0 units)
  • HS 019/ FCS 019 — Human Development (3.0 Units)
  • MATH 37 EX / 37 — College Algebra with Support OR Higher** (4.0 units). Math courses are not used to calculate science score.

*including lab

**STATS 12 EX, PSYCH 2, MATH 92 G, MATH 92 S and MATH 82 will also be accepted as a math prerequisite.

Math Requirement

Students need to take MATH 37 EX / 37 – College Algebra with Support or the equivalent course to meet the ADN admission prerequisite. STATS 12 EX, PSYCH 2, MATH 92 G, MATH 92 S and MATH 82 will also be accepted as a math prerequisite.
Students are encouraged to take STATS (STATS 12 EX /12 or PSYCH 2) to fill the Math requirement as it is a prerequisite to the CSU BSN and most other BSN programs.

Delta Student Requirement

To qualify for the program, you must be enrolled as a current Delta College Student and know your Delta College ID Number and email address. To be considered a current Delta College student, an "active application" must be on file with Delta College Admissions and Records. If you have not attended Delta College for two or more semesters, then you do not have an "active application" and must reapply to Delta College. Any student who does not have an "active application" on file prior to the ADN online application opening date will be unable to submit an application to the ADN program. Learn More About Applying to Delta


For the Fall 2025 application period (March 1 - 31, 2025), both in-person proctored and online proctored TEAS Test Version 7 exams will be accepted.

For the Spring 2026 application period (August 1 - 31, 2025), TEAS Test Version 7 in person proctored exams will be the only version accepted.

SJDC is not offering the TEAS test, however, you can visit for dates and locations. For information on scheduling the TEAS, go to

Social Security Number

All students accepted to the program will be required to provide a copy of their Social Security card or Individual Taxpayer identification Number (ITIN). Hospitals and other clinical settings require that Delta College nursing students have completed a criminal background clearance which require this information be provided. In addition, a SSN or a IITN is required for licensing.

Access to Online Application System

You must be able to check the status of your ADN application in the online application system. Email notifications will no longer be sent and it is the responsibility of the student to check his or her status by logging into the online application system.


Program Acceptance

ADN Acceptance

After the closing date, all information reported in the online applications will be reviewed, and points awarded according to the ADN Admission Criteria. 90% of the spaces will be filled by rank order (highest points); the remaining 10% will be selected by computerized random selection of qualified applicants. Applicants will be invited to submit the required documentation in support of the information provided in the online application. All correspondence regarding the status of applications to the program will be sent to the applicant’s Delta College student email address.

Students officially offered a space in the program will be sent an email (Delta College student email address only) along with the ADN Student Information Packet. You will be required to either accept or decline your space in the program by a specified deadline. The ADN Student Information Packet includes all required forms (physical, immunizations, etc.) with information and deadlines.