Emergency Contact Numbers

Call District Police


District Police Dept.: (209) 954-5000 or ext. 5000

When using a campus classroom or office phone to call District Police:

  • Dial ext. #5000
  • Or dial #911
  • Ext. #5000 and #911 will go directly to District Police.

NOTE: Do not call 911 from your cell phone. Your call will go to CHP or to the Stockton Police Dept. All outside emergency calls will be transferred to District Police by outside agencies. This will cause a delay in an emergency response by District Police


Campus Emergency Numbers

Call District Police Blue Light Phones
Police Services PIO

ext. 6367 or
(209) 954-5151 ext. 6367
(209) 482-8453

Health/Mobility Unit ext. 5077 or (209) 954-5077
ext. 5078 or (209) 954-5078
Facilities Management  ext. 5063 or (209) 954-5063
ext. 5064 or (209) 954-5064
Public Information Officer  ext. 5051 or (209) 954-5051
Disabled Student Program and Services  ext. 5330 or (209) 954-5330
Risk Management and Support Services  ext. 5035 or (209) 954-5035


Classroom Phone Information

  • If a classroom phones rings, please answer the phone immediately.
  • If the phone is not answered, an officer will be sent to the classroom to contact the instructor or class directly.
  • District Police will only call a classroom for emergency purposes.
  • District Police maintains a list of phone numbers to all classrooms.
  • Classroom phones cannot be used to call off campus.
  • Classroom phones only dial pre-programmed numbers.


Office Phone Information:

  • You must dial #9 on all office phones to get an outside line.
  • All calls off campus will note "Delta College 954-5151" on caller ID's.
  • Please give the person you are calling your direct phone number.


Campus Blue Light Emergency Phones

  • There are currently 70 blue light emergency phones on the Stockton and Mountain Houses campuses.
  • Phones are for emergency purposes only and are directly linked to District Police.
  • Each phone is encased in a blue or grey box underneath a blue light or a kiosk with speaker and microphone with a blue light on top.
  • Phones are located in every building on every floor and outside around major campus entrances and areas.
  • Phones operate 24 hours a day.

Note: If you cannot speak, all you need to do is activate the line by removing the receiver from the cradle or pushing the red button and the dispatcher will identify your location and send assistance.

Stockton Campus Blue Phone Locations Mountain House Blue Phone Locations


Elevator Emergency Phones

  • Every building has an emergency phone located inside its elevator.
  • Phones are for emergency purposes only and are directly linked to District Police.
  • Phones are located below the elevator's selection buttons behind a small panel door.
  • Open the small panel door , push the black button, and wait for a response from dispatch.
  • Phones operate 24 hours a day.

NOTE: Danner Hall, the Holt building, and Atherton Auditorium are also equipped with restricted use freight elevators.


When Calling District Police:

  • State your name.
  • Give the location of the emergency (building, office or classroom).
  • Advise of any injuries.
  • Report hazards that may be present which may threaten person at the scene or those persons responding.
  • Give your phone number and location where you can be reached.
  • DO NOT hang up. Let District Police end the conversation; other information may be needed.


City of Stockton Emergency Resource Numbers:

Stockton Police Dept. (209) 937-8377
SPD Cell Phone User  (209) 937-7911
Fire Department (209) 937-8801
American Medical Response  (209) 948-5136


San Joaquin County Emergency Resource Numbers

S.J. Sheriff's Office Emergency (209) 468-4562
S.J. Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency (209) 468-4400
Mountain House Fire Dept. (209) 831-6700
Mountain House American Medical Response (209) 831-6700


Additional Phone Numbers

Mental Health (209) 468-8750
Victim Witness  (209) 468-2500
Women's Center  (209) 941-2611
Mediation Center (209) 474-8794
Poison Control  1-800-222-1222


Emergency Resources






Ready - Prepare, Plan, Stay Informed