Club Advisors Guide

Club Advisor(s) Information

Advisors play a critical role in the success of a club. Advisors counsel and advise student organizations, help develop student leaders, and assist the club follow district policy and procedure. Full-time faculty or managers can serve as club advisors while classified staff can serve as co-advisors. It’s strongly recommended clubs have a co-advisor. 


Tips for Advisor(s)

All clubs shall operate under the supervision of a District faculty member or administrator (see BP 5430). Classified staff may serve as co-advisors with a faculty member or administrator.

It is important to establish certain expectations of the student club. These expectations should be discussed with your club at the beginning of the year. Some expectations may include:

  • Support, Don’t Control: Guide and mentor students while allowing them to lead and make decisions. 
  • Set Clear Expectations: Establish communication norms and define the advisor's role versus student responsibilities. 
  • Encourage Leadership Development: Promote skill-building, delegation, and ownership among club members. 
  • Be a Resource: Provide knowledge of campus policies, resources, and networking opportunities. 
  • Foster Inclusivity: Encourage diversity and create a welcoming environment for all members. 
  • Celebrate Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate the club's achievements to boost morale and engagement. 


What’s Expected from Club Advisors

  • Advisor(s) will help clubs complete and submit the following documents:
    • Complete club registration form.
    • Sign Club Account Authorization and Payment Request forms
    • Complete Room/Event Reservation Forms for room reservation
      • At least two (2) weeks in advance.
    • Complete a Student Field Trip Packet.
      • At least four to five weeks in advance
  • Advisor(s) must accompany the organization during on-campus and off-campus activities (i.e., conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats, etc.), to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the safety and welfare of organization members. If the advisor is unable to attend he/she must identify a substitute. The substitute must be approved by the Director of Student Life.
  • Give particular attention to the financial activities of the group in order to prevent the group from incurring organizational debts and from inappropriate spending of organization funds.


Types of Requests/Forms

Student Club Field Trip forms 

The collection of forms below are from Student Life, Fiscal, Human Resources, and Facilities. Please submit all the necessary forms FOUR (4) weeks before your club trip. 

  • Travel Request Form – standard for ALL district travel 
  • Payment Request Form – for using club funds to pay 
  • Student Participant List – list of students attending 
  • Student Disability Accommodations List – if applicable 
  • Waiver of Claims and Consent to Treatment – needs for all students 
  • Field Trip, Transportation, Special Travel Request – if requesting district transportation 
  • Field Trips-Transportation Waiver – if students are driving themselves 

Key Request: Once clubs are notified that their space has been reserved, advisors can request keys and/or Omni codes for reserved by forwarding the approval to Be sure to submit your request at least ONE (1) week in advance to ensure your accommodation is arranged.  

Work Order Request: Advisors must submit work orders for events or activities organized on campus. Typical work orders include requesting tables, chairs, extra trash bins, custodial services, HVAC needs, etc. Be sure to submit your request at least TWO (2) weeks in advance. All work order requests must be submitted via FMX App. 

Work Order Requests

IT Request: All IT work requests must be sent via the IT Help Desk App. Typical requests include audio/visual needs, laptop, etc. Be sure to submit your request at least TWO (2) weeks in advance to ensure your accommodation is arranged. 

IT Request

Change Order Request: Need some cash for change or purchasing items for an event? If cash handling is necessary for an event, advisors must submit equipment and change order form to the Cashier’s Office (Horton Admin. Building). Be sure to submit your request at least ONE (1) week in advance to ensure your accommodation is arranged.  

Change Order Request

Equipment Request: Taking credit card payments for fundraiser? You can check out an iPad with a square credit card reader from the Cashier’s Office (Horton Admin. Building). Be sure to submit your request at least ONE (1) week in advance so they can program the iPad with your club’s account number

Equipment Request



    Account Management
    Processing Payments

    Clubs may process payments depending on the type of purchase:

    • Club members or advisors make the purchase and submit a Payment Request Form or Petty Cash form to get reimbursed
    • Club submits a Payment Request and Student Life makes the purchase. This is limited to only online orders for goods, not services. 
    • Clubs submit a Payment Request Form and request a check made out to the vendor/payee
    • Clubs submit a Payment Request Form and Student Life processes a contract. This is solely for purchases requiring a contract. 

    All payment requests will require these items:

    • Club Officer signature, preferably the treasurer
    • Club Advisor signature, can be advisor or co-advisor
    • Event Flyer
    • Club minutes showing that the club has approved the expense. Minutes should indicate what the expense is for, and the dollar amount the club has approved. 
    • Receipts and invoices
    • Contracts or agreements

    Payment Request: Payment requests may take TWO (2) to THREE (3) weeks to be approved, signed and processed. Therefore, requests for payments should be presented to the board for approval, at least SIX (6) weeks before the date needed to ensure your accommodation is arranged.

    Instructions for Processing Payment Requests: 

    1. Present payments to the club for approval.
    2. Complete and submit Payment Request form and attach the receipt (paperclip preferred). 
    3. Include the Purchase Order number in the description section, for Purchase Order Payment (PO payment).
    4. Attach meeting minutes (with the amount approved highlighted).

    Petty Cash: Petty Cash requests may take TWO (2) to THREE (3) days to be approved, signed and processed. A minimum of ONE (1) week after the post event date is needed. Any petty cash request more than 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) post-event date must be approved by the Director of Student Life.

    The Petty Cash form can be used for reimbursements and cash advances for amounts less than $100.00. Petty Cash form requires a club officer signature and the club advisor signature. Petty cash is distributed by the Office of Student Life or Cashier’s Office. If being picked up at the Cashier’s Office, the student will need to be accompanied by their advisor, the Student Life Coordinator, or Director of Student Life.

    Instructions to process Petty Cash requests: 

    1. Complete the Form by entering the vendor, item(s) purchased and total cost. 
      1. Under VENDOR enter the business where the items were purchased (e.g., Target, Costco, Round Table, etc.). 
        1. DO NOT enter the name of the person requesting the reimbursement. 
        2. Only one vendor (business) may be listed per form, therefore, a different petty cash form will have to be completed for each vendor (business).
        3. Receipt amounts CANNOT total more than $100.00 per vendor.
      2. Enter a description for the items purchased and the total amount of the receipt.
    2. Enter the Club Information (club name and account number).
    3. On the two lines below the table an approved can sign the form.
    4. Attach the receipt(s) and minutes to the request.
    5. Submit the requests to the Office of Student Life for the Director of Student Life’s signature. 
    Receipts and Minutes

    Receipts and Minutes

    All Payment Request Forms and Petty Cash forms must attach original receipts or invoices from vendor and the club minutes showing the club has approved the expense.  

    Account Numbers

    Account Numbers

    An ORACLE account is created and provided to each club advisor, after the club has had 3 approved constitution readings with the ICC. 

    Club advisors will need to change the object code depending on the purchase that is being made.  

    Object Codes

    Object Codes

    All revenue and expenses for on-campus account are coded with an “Object” code. The four digit number is included on the payment request form or petty cash request form. Below are the Object Codes most frequently used by clubs/organizations. 



    8827 Membership Income
    8841 Fundraising




    4305 Supplies
    4345 Subscriptions
    4820 Food purchases (meetings, events, not fundraisers)
    5015 Membership Dues
    5035 Student Field Trips (retreats, conference travel, etc.)
    5050 Advertising
    5045 Consultant Services (trainers, specialists, etc.)
    5055 Contract Services (speakers, performers, artists, etc.)
    5060 Printing and  Duplicating Services (on and off campus)
    5065 Postage
    5255 Fundraising Costs
    5310 Cell phones
    5315 Telephones
    5620 Equipment Rental (includes auto & bus)
    5630 Facility Rental
    6471 New Equipment low cost $200-$999
    6472 New Equipment Non Capital $1,000-$4,999
    6473 New Equipment Capital greater than $5,000
    7520 Student Awards, Scholarships, Grants
    7640 Student ID Cards
    Authorized Signers

    Authorized Signers

    The Treasurer should be the designated signer on all Payment Request Forms. However, officers who signed the Club Account Authorization Form when registering can sign payment requests. An advisor will also need to sign all Payment Request Forms and Petty Cash Forms.  

    Receiving Payments and Paperwork

    All payment requests and petty cash forms must have the following before being turned into the Office of Student Life:  

    All documentation and paperwork can be emailed to the Office of Student Life at Once all documentation is submitted to the Office of Student Life, it will be reviewed and signed by the Director of Student Life. San Joaquin Delta College follows Net 30 payment terms, which means that Delta has 30 calendar days to pay an invoice in full after receiving it or after goods or services are delivered. This 30-day period includes weekends and holidays. Those 30 days start once the Office of Student Life submits to the Purchasing Department.  

    Please note: Contracts must have the above items along with W-9 forms and Liability Insurance documentation. 


    Petty Cash Request

    Petty Cash: Petty Cash requests may take TWO (2) to THREE (3) days to be approved, signed and processed. A minimum of ONE (1) week after the post event date is needed. Any petty cash request more than 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) post-event date must be approved by the Director of Student Life. 


    The Petty Cash form can be used for reimbursements and cash advances for amounts less than $100.00. Petty Cash form requires a club officer signature and the club advisor signature. Petty cash is distributed by the Office of Student Life or Cashier’s Office. If being picked up at the Cashier’s Office, the student will need to be accompanied by their advisor, the Student Life Coordinator, or Director of Student Life. 

    Instructions to process Petty Cash requests: 

    1. Complete the Form by entering the vendor, item(s) purchased and total cost. 
      1. Under VENDOR enter the business where the items were purchased (e.g., Target, Costco, Round Table, etc.). 
        1. DO NOT enter the name of the person requesting the reimbursement. 
        2. Only one vendor (business) may be listed per form, therefore, a different petty cash form will have to be completed for each vendor (business).
        3. Receipt amounts CANNOT total more than $100.00 per vendor.
      2. Enter a description for the items purchased and the total amount of the receipt.
    2. Enter the Club Information (club name and account number).
    3. On the two lines below the table an approved can sign the form.
    4. Attach the receipt(s) and minutes to the request.
    5. Submit the requests to the Office of Student Life for the Director of Student Life’s signature. 

    Please note: Petty Cash forms may be pickup from the Office of Student Life (Shima) or Cashier’s Office (Horton).


    Please contact the Office of Student Life at for questions and information. We would be happy to help!