Delta College Alumni Exhibition 2024
Maggie Hodson
Maggie Hodson is a freelance artist and recent graduate of University of Southern California for fine art. They garner inspiration from nature, fine craft, horror and femininity. Through their work they explore existentialism and the inherently chaotic and uncaring universe in which we reside.
I’ve always felt more like an animal than a human, or at least that’s how I’ve framed, and attempted to understand my interactions with others. Having this inability to connect and cope well to human life, it has always helped me to relate, by viewing myself as different animal archetypes, during various life situations. Calling upon these animal “spirits”, not only cures my existential woes, but follows a longer tradition of anthropomorphic artwork throughout history.
The Dance
Oil on canvas
20” x 16”
Wood burning, watercolor, lace, ribbon
12” x 10”