Kyle Taccaban

2023 Student Art Exhibition

Artist Statement:

I like taking pictures. For a long time now, I always had a different perspective on how I see things compared to normal people. After watching countless movies, I’ve studied the fundamental elements of cinematography to mostly just find the perfect composition. Although the pictures I've summited aren’t my best works there just a reflection of the works I like to create. Some of my inspirations are from music albums covers. Not only does music artist creates an odd image to make it look interesting, but also has meaning behind why they choose that image as their album cover. My favorite style are random grainy images with a retro atmospheric vibe. It’s hard to describe the right words yet alone the meaning behind the photos, but it uses emotion and relatability of where we are mentally as a way to cope. Most of the images are taken from a Sony 6400. The lens I use are mostly sigma lenses that have an F/1.4 aperture that is able to take very sharp images without losing its quality at any time of the day. I try to keep the style of my photos as a modernized film vintage look. I did at some point use a film camera, but I decided to move on a different direction of photography. Although I don’t take photography too seriously, I just find it an enjoyable hobby creating images in your own way. My education goal is to finish college and join the U.S. Air Force as a pilot. Because in the end, finding and doing what you love is enough to make you happy.


High Hopes (2023)
Sony 6400, Sigma 16m, Digital photo, Photoshop
Dimensions 8.5” x 11”


Stay (2023)
Sony 6400, Sigma 16m Digital photo, Photoshop
Dimensions 8.5” x 11”