A reduced course load (RCL) means to be enrolled in less than the 12 unit minimum required to maintain your F-1 status. There are only two exceptions to the minimum requirement and both must be authorized by the ISP Office BEFORE you reduce your course load by dropping class(es). If you drop below 12 units without prior approval your F-1 Status must be Terminated.
- Illness or Medical Condition: The medical condition must be verified by documentation from a licensed medical doctor or clinical psychologist. In order to be approved for a RCL, you must provide a signed letter from your doctor on letterhead confirming that you are under their care, the specific limitations, and duration. The documentation must be submitted and the RCL approved BEFORE you drop any courses, otherwise it is a violation of your status. Reduced course load due to illness or medical conditions may only be authorized for a maximum of twelve months for the duration of your studies.
- To Complete a Course of Study in the Current Term: You are allowed to enroll in less than 12 units during your final semester if less than 12 units are required to complete your degree(s) and/or transfer to a four-year college or university. Written verification is required – either a current SEP from your counselor or verification of Graduation eligibility from the Delta College Evaluations Department.