Slope Fields with Mathematica

The Syntax Of VectorPlot

(continued from last page...)

Unfortunately for us, Mathematica does not have a specific function built-in for plotting the slope fields of differential equations. However, it does come very close to what we need with the VectorPlot command. To ask Mathematica for its syntax we would issue the following command:


Use the link below to launch Mathematica with a new notebook, then type in the above command, hit ENTER, and come back here to continue. (Note: Unlike the introductory notebooks you recently completed, from now on your will be creating your own notebooks from scratch. None of the commands will have been entered into Mathematica for you. You will be working with a "blank canvas.")

Mathematica LogoYou can switch to Mathematica by clicking on the button at left. This will open up a fresh notebook for you. It may take a while to start up. Don't forget to come back here when you're done! See you in a few minutes.

Let's go and see what you should have gotten...


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