Step1: First Steps
- Identify Goals and Objectives
- Align with Delta’s Strategic Plan
Consult Affected Colleagues
- Outline Project Activities
- Get Approval from Dean and VP
Get Support
- Complete Grant Interest Form
- Meet with Grants Office to Identify Funders and get technical assistance with the process.
Step 2: Research, Plan & Write
List Project Needs
- Does your proposed project need additional Facilities & Technology?
- Will you need a Program Manager? Research Analyst? Fiscal Analyst?
Draft Project Narrative
- Conduct a Literature Review of Effective Practice(s)
- Articulate Project Goals with Measurable Objectives
- Develop a Management Plan with a Timeline of activities, including personnel responsible for each activity
- Draft an Evaluation Plan
- Complete a Budget with brief rationale for each line item
Step 3: Refine Proposal
- Expand the Literature Review to establish our need for the project and the anticipated effectiveness of the activities you’re proposing for the project
- Prepare a Draft Narrative that articulates the project’s specific Goals, and the Measurable Objectives that help achieve those goals. This may include a Logic Model or Study Design (as appropriate) that will help inform the Evaluation Plan, and a Management Plan that details project activities, responsible personnel, benchmarks and timelines.
- Revisit the Budget to ensure all project costs are delineated, including facilities, technology, personnel, materials and equipment needs, as well as evaluation activities.
Step 4: Get Final Approvals
Sign off from institutional groups
- Department/Division Dean
- Vice President
- Superintendent
- Board of Trustees
Step 5: Grant Submissions
The Grants Office at San Joaquin Delta College will submit your proposal on your behalf.
- Ensure all line items are aligned with contracts, procurement policies, etc.
- Always set a goal to submit early