Strong Workforce Program

Our Mission and Vision



To inspire our community to achieve economic and social mobility through our CTE programs.


To increase CTE student success and infuse our local and regional economies with skilled workers.

Background of the Strong Workforce Program

According to Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, “Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements through 2020, State Report, June 2013, by 2020, 65% of all jobs will require advanced education beyond high school. Nearly half of these (31%) will be middle skills jobs requiring industry-recognized credentials, associate degrees, or certificates - training that community colleges provide.”

California’s response to this skills gap is the Strong Workforce Initiative. In 2016 the Governor’s Budget proposed $200 million in ongoing resources for a Strong Workforce program within the Economic and Workforce Development division. These funds are to be used to close California’s middle-skills gap by increasing the amount and improving the quality, of CTE offered at community colleges.

    Our Goals

    The Strong Workforce Program at San Joaquin Delta College strives to increase the number of students in quality CTE (courses, programs, pathways, credentials, certificates, degrees) that lead to successful workforce outcomes. This will be achieved by:

    1. Increasing CTE student enrollment through collaboration with Marketing and Outreach department, local school districts, adult schools, alternative schools, and SJ County Office of Education.
    2. Increasing CTE student attainment of educational goals (certificate, degree, transfers) through collaboration with faculty and student support services on-campus.
    3. Revitalizing and expand upon existing CTE programs to meet or exceed industry standards.
    4. Highlighting CTE student success through acknowledgment and celebratory activities.
    5. Developing and strengthening partnerships with industry leaders and businesses to increase work-based learning opportunities (internship, job-shadow, volunteer experience) for CTE students.
    6. Developing programs that align with existing strategic planning initiatives such as the College’s Master Ed Plan, Student Equity, Student Success and Support Program, Adult Education Consortium, Basic Skills, Guided Pathways, Prior Learning Assessment, Enterprise Resource Planning, Common Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative.