Artifact Nouveau Submissions

Artifact Nouveau is a magazine of works by students, faculty, alumni, and employees of San Joaquin Delta College published by the SJDC Writers' Guild. Works by writers and artists unaffiliated with Delta College are also accepted, but at least 60% of featured artists are from our community. Delta College students who are published in either Artifact Nouveau or Delta Winds are eligible to apply to a scholarship through the college's scholarship application process.

Read the Artifact Nouveau Magazine


Submit Your Work

We accept submissions year-round, publishing Fall/Winter and Spring issues. All genres and mediums are welcome.

We are accepting submissions for a new issue of Artifact.

Submit work to via our online form, linked here:

Please note to be considered for the coming issue, please submit your work by October 25, 2024.

If for some reason you cannot submit via the online form, feel free to email us your work here

Literary Submissions

  • Poem Length May Vary (limit 5 submissions)
  • Short Stories and Essays: less than 1500 words (limit 2 submissions)

Visual Submissions

  • Colored/Black and White
  • JPG Format at 300 DPI
  • Limit 10 submissions

Advertise in Artifact Nouveau

You can join our success by advertising in Artifact Nouveau. 

  • Outside back cover: $300 
  • Full page inside: $100
  • Half page inside: $75
  • Quarter page inside: $50

Please submit your own text, design and the following information to

  • Name of Business or Individual
  • Address
  • Business Number and Cell Number
  • Page size requested
  • Number of issues to run
  • Method of payment: Cash or Money Order
  • For Delta Clubs only: Advisor’s Signature, Club President’s Signature, Delta College Club account number

For more information, Email: