CalWORKs Assessment

The main goal of the CalWORKs program is to move recipients from welfare into work. The CalWORKs Assessment Program is designed to test the interests, aptitudes and skill levels of CalWORKs participants to assist in the development of an employment plan needed by San Joaquin County Human Services Agency (HSA). Persons receiving aid from the county welfare department, known as TANF (Temporary Aid for Needy Families), who do not obtain employment after completion of job club or job search activities are required to complete an assessment test. We see clients via referral ONLY from the client's CalWORKs case manager.

About the CalWORKs Assessment

The CalWORKs Assessment includes:

  • Educational skills and competencies
  • Vocational interestsPersonal-social traits and needs
  • Educational level and appropriate work experience
  • Employment goals and the ability to achieve these goals given the potential skills and labor market outlook
  • The need for supportive services, including childcare and transportation
  • Other barriers to employment
  • Learning disabilities assessment may be recommended and provided based on appropriate diagnosis


The CalWORKs Assessment Center is located in the DeRicco Building, Room 117.

  • Call: (209) 954-5151 ext 6335
  • Text or Call: (209) 565-0474
  • Fax: (209) 954-3753
  • DeRicco Building, Room 117
    5151 Pacific Avenue
    Stockton, CA 95207​


Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday testing by appointment only