Contemporary Portrait Photography 2019
Luke Seward
Luke Seward, born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, is a multimedia artist implementing alternative perspectives to enhance expressions of subtle gesture with specific emphasis on digital identity. His grandmother, Chris, was a dancer, often covered in sequins from head to toe. Her trailer home served as a portal for Seward, an influential kaleidoscope dedicated to DIY fashion, rare objects, and taboo acts. Seward received a BFA from the Hite Art Institute at the University of Louisville in 2015 where he received the Barbara Bullitt Christian Memorial Scholarship in Photography. In 2018 he received the Dean Jerome M. Birdman Scholarship for Academic Merit and Artistic Promise from the University of Connecticut. He exhibited at ODETTA Gallery (Brooklyn, NYC) for Armory Week 2019 and most recently had a solo exhibition in Newtown Radio’s gallery space (Brooklyn, NYC) during the month of September 2019.
Screen Shot 2019-08-04 at 12.23.22AM
Digital Screen Shot
Edition 1/1
24” x 36”