David Cook
Hello, my name is David Cook. I'm a retired Deputy Probation Officer for Sacramento County. My career with probation was a blessed 25 years. I was fortunate to work in a variety of assignments that included the Sacramento County Boys Ranch, High Risk Juvenile Field, JSO (sex offenders), Adult Field and EM/Home Supervision and Drug Court.
I decided to enter the field of Corrections and make it my career because: I was working for a group home and a co-worker was hired by probation as an On-Call. She referred me and the pay was $13.23 per hour. I jumped on what I believed at the time was a "big money opportunity" and never looked back.
The most unusual job I’ve ever had was: I worked for Domino's Pizza for over 10 years.
I felt it was important to serve on this advisory board because: The board serves as an excellent source of networking for students interested in the field of law enforcement and placing them in the career path that fits their interest.
The hardest thing I’ve ever done is: Parenting SEVEN kids.
My favorite way to relax is: Traveling to watch our son's college football games (Washington) and baseball games (one son for Cal State East Bay and the youngest at Cal Poly SLO). The wife and I attend quite a few concerts (a lot of trips to Yoshi's).
My favorite meal is: Pizza and I really like liver and onions.
You’d be surprised to learn that: I had a "cup of tea" back in the 80's doing stand-up comedy.
I am most proud of: The choice I made to marry my beautiful wife, Phyllis, and the positive decisions our kids have made so far in their young adult lives.
One item from my Bucket List: To Travel to Kemet.
Three people living or deceased I would invite to dinner: My grandparents on both sides of my family and would love to have dinner with Muhammed Ali.
My motto is: IT'LL ALL WORK OUT.
If there were one piece of advice to give anyone considering Parole as a career, it would be: Understand how to be flexible and learn how other people of different cultures think and see the world.