You are encouraged to follow the work of the new Equity Action Task Force as it progresses! On this page you will find meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, and supporting documents such as project background and needs. You can also monitor the work of four project teams that will study specific areas and make recommendations to the Task Force. 

Equity Action Task Force

Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Latest Updates

October 1, 2024 - The EATF met and had a discussion on Student Focus Groups. The consensus of the team was that it would be beneficial to do student focus groups so that students could review the list of projects and give input and share other ideas that may enhance the projects and outcomes. All agreed that the student voice needed to be heard. IRE would gather the data for the team. The EATF also discussed having observers at their meetings. Members of EATF would let the chairs know if there would be an observer coming to the meeting. Dr. Aguilera Lawrenson will add an addendum to the charter regarding the role of the observer. Observers could attend and take notes, but would not participate in the discussion. The team also reviewed the list of projects with the DCPC feedback included. The team also reviewed feedback on the projects by BFTF although no members from BFTF were present. CLF, DCPC and CAPE also gave updates on their taskforces. 



Action (If Applicable) by Consensus:


Action (If Applicable) by Consensus:


Next meeting is April 16, 2024.