Visions In Clay 2019

Ariel Bowman
I make sculptures of prehistoric animals that represent a lost world. I am intrigued by animals that evolved with distinct features, such as unfamiliar tusks, strange elongated limbs, and unusual proportions. My pieces are a way of bringing these extinct animals back to life. I use clay to create folds of flesh and fill their bellies with air.
The nostalgia of the circus provides a connection to the child like joy I find in discovering new animals for the first time. Elements of the circus in each piece create an alternate timeline in which the viewer can travel back and experience the power of these majestic animals. They find themselves on velvet cushions swaying on the back of an ancient giant in an unknown landscape. Colors and intricate patterns are fading; the paint peels and wood rots away under heavy feet and wrinkled hide. As time passes, the animals march on and adapt. Enduring the years like a weathered tapestry, they become the animals we know today.

Ceramic, hand built, cone 04, low fire glazes, underglaze, gold luster, wood stain, wax encaustic, paint
7’’ x 26’’ x 7’’