Class Search Tips

MyDelta’s Class Search allows you to browse all courses being offered during a term to find classes that fit your schedule, course preferences and academic plans. Still having trouble? See our FAQs for troubleshooting tips.

Overview of Using the Class Search

How to Access the Class Search

The Class Search can be accessed from your MyDelta Portal as well as from our public website. 

If you are logged into MyDelta:

  1. Click on the Manage Classes tile from your MyDelta homepage
  2. From the sidebar, click on Class Search and Enroll.

Public Class Search

  1. Go to the Online Schedule of Classes
  2. Click on Class and Course Search
  3. Click on Class Search from the sidebar navigation. 

Search by Keyword

After clicking on Class Search from the Manage Classes Tile, click on the term of the schedule you wish to browse. From here you will see a class search box where you can enter keywords such as course title, subject or keyword.

A few tips for when using the search box:

  • Start with a broad, general term such as “English” and then filter your results. For example, if you are looking for an English class on Tuesdays, first search for English and then filter for your results
  • Don’t use quotation marks, numbers or words such as “and” or “or” 
  • It’s ok to use course abbreviations like ENG. It will return results from English

Additional Ways to Search

Not sure what to enter in the search box? Under the Search for Classes search box, click on Additional Ways to Search. This will open a modal where you can search for classes for a specific subject, search by the course’s catalog number or see all classes being taught by a specific Instructor that semester.


Narrow Search Results with Filters

After performing a search, you can narrow your results by using the filters on the left. You can filter by:

  • Class Status (open, closed or waitlisted),
  • Subject
  • Number of units
  • Class meeting days and/or times
  • Campus
  • Instruction Mode (in person, online or a hybrid)

You can add multiple filters to continue narrowing your results. The filters you have applied will appear above the search results. To remove a filter, click the at the end of the filter name. This will remove the filter and broaden your results. 


Get Additional Class Information

Once you find a course in the search results that you’re interested in, click on the course name to get additional course details and a list of all class options scheduled for the semester you’re searching. For each class option, you can see information such as the Instructor, Room Location, Meeting Days and Times and the number of open seats or waitlist places available.

If the course you’re searching for has multiple components such as both a Lecture and a Laboratory, the list under Class Selection will display all of the possible combinations for the course.

Click on the link in the class link to get more enrollment information about the class such as:

  • Enrollment Requirements (i.e. Prerequisites, Corequisites, etc)
  • Class Notes (Notes may include if the course is a hybrid of online and internet)
  • Textbook Information

Class Search Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my search returning no results?

It could be several things. First, make sure that you try the search a different way. Try broadening your search term, entering part of a keyword and enter only one keyword at a time. If you still do not see results, try to use the Additional Ways to Search.

It's also possible that what you're searching for doesn't have any courses scheduled or that the department has not updated any data for the courses to be offered.

How can I search for online classes?

Search for a keyword or subject area of a class that interests you first, then from the Instruction Mode filter group on the left, choose Internet.  Select "Distance, Total" for courses in which 100% of contact hours are delivered via electronic media.  Choose "Distance, Extensive" for courses in which 75 to 99% of contact hours are delivered via electronic media.  Select "Hybrid Delivery" for classes in which the contact hours between faculty and students occur through a combination of distance and in-person instruction.

How can I search for classes at a specific location such as South Campus?

Search for a keyword or subject area of a class that interests you first, then choose the appropriate location from the Location filter on the left of the search results.


How can I search for classes offered by a specific Instructor?

Under the Search for Classes search box, click on Additional Ways to Search. Enter the last name of the instructor in the text box under Instructor Last Name and click Search. 

If no results are returned, double check that you entered the last name correctly. If the name is correct but there are still no results, the instructor may not be offering any courses for that term in which you are searching. 

How do I know if a class is a hybrid with both Internet and In-Person components?

Hybrid courses will be displayed on the Course Information page with both an Internet and Lecture listing under the Class column.

Look under the Class column to see if there is an internet and in person component

It will also be identified as "Hybrid" under the Class Note section of Enrollment Information. 

Look at the class note in enrollment information to see if the course is a hybrid.