Student Permissions
Have outstanding balances? You can choose to have your financial aid applied to prior term balances including enrollment, tuition fees, and book voucher repayments. Just follow the steps below:
- Log in to MyDelta and click on the Financial Account icon
- From the lefthand sidebar, click on Account Services and then View Student Permissions.
- The Student Permissions page will load. Click the Grant Permissions button.
- The Select Permission Form will load. Under Permissions, make sure APPLY_FA is checked and click the Next Button
- The Permission Form Agreement will load. Check the agreement checkbox and click Submit.
- A Student Permission Confirmation form will load showing your permission has successfully been accepted.
- To review the details of the Student Permission, click the View Student Permission button.
If you decide you do not want to apply your financial aid to your outstanding balances, please contact the Financial Aid Office to request for the permission to be removed.