Solving Differential Equations with Mathematica's Solver

(continued from last page...)

2x ex2 dx = sin2y cosy dy

The syntax you just asked for should have resulted in the following information:

Integral Syntax

We see that there are, in fact, four possible versions of the Integrate command. The first one of these, "Integrate[f,x]", is the one we will need to solve our differential equation by separation of variables.

Now it's time to do some real work! We'll use the Integrate command twice, applying it once to each side of our differential equation:

2x ex2 dx = sin2y cosy dy

The command we would use for the left hand side would be:


Look over this carefully! Details are important here! Use the correct case when typing it yourself, since Mathematica is case sensitive. Make sure you use brackets, parentheses and commas in the correct places.

I'll leave it up to you to figure out the command needed to integrate the right hand side. (Don't forget to use y instead of x.)

Go ahead now and switch to Mathematica to carry out both integrations. Come back here to your browser when you are done.

Welcome back! Hopefully you were successful. Let's move on and discuss your results.

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