Delta drama students present “Metamorphoses,” a collection of stories that shine a light on such universal themes as greed, death, suffering, revenge, love lost, love found and redemption.
What: “Metamorphoses,” written by Mary Zimmerman
When: July 26-29 at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee on July 28 at 1:30 p.m.
Where: Alfred H. Muller Studio Theatre at San Joaquin Delta College
Who: Presented by Delta drama students. Directed by Ken Sonkin
Cost: $9 for adults, $4 for students and seniors 62 and older. Visit dca.deltacollege.edu to order online. Or call (209) 954-5110. There is a $3 handling fee for all phone, mail or online orders.
Special note: The play is recommended for ages 13 and up.